Friday, December 13, 2019

"Healing the Soul" (Part 2), by Lawrence S. Perry, B.S., M.Div

Healing the Soul  (Part 2)


Do you remember the last time you had a major blowout with you spouse or significant other?  It was probably heated, and your emotions got the best of you. After you had a chance to cool down, you resumed the topic in a more conciliatory speech. As you talked out the issue, you could see how there was a misunderstanding and the issue was misconstrued, or perhaps you were just wrong. Whatever the case, you reconciled having resolved the argument, and you were able to move on in your lives. Had you not resolved the argument, the hurt would have continued only to resurface at a later date.  Emotional hurt never resolves itself; it needs to be acknowledged and expelled. When we deal with emotional trauma, we open the doors to healing and peace.

What I have come to acknowledge both in my life and the lives of others that when we have been traumatized, especially when we were children, we are emotionally stuck in time. As a result, we process many of our thoughts, feelings and actions through this first emotional crisis. Having been frozen in time, we are unable to mature emotionally when we have found ourselves in similar circumstances. So, rather than facing an emotionally troubling issue like an adult, we respond like the hurt child. Just think, how many times have you responded in such a way? Have you ever used the phrase, "You're acting like a child!"

Healing that Inner Child

When you come to realize, that you are being affected by childhood memories, how do you begin to address such issues? You start with your belief system. Faith opens your mind and allows you to be guided by the  Holy Spirit. This is why it is so important to understand how the voice of God is speaking in the session. Will you see a vision, hear a voice, feel a presence, or be reminded of a Scripture verse that directly speaks to your issue? Faith takes you there!  

I once was doing a session with a man I will call Thomas. When we went back to the memory that was causing him trauma, we were at the point of envisioning Jesus in the memory.  However, nothing was happening; he could not see, hear, or feel the presence of Christ. Up to this point, I never had that happen in a session and I was greatly puzzled. So, I stopped the session and began to question him further. What I discovered was that he had a "blockage". Even though he was an active member of the church, he did not believe he was worthy to enter the Holy Presence of God. Consequently, he could not allow the presence of Christ to enter his memory. To continue, we had to address the issue before continuing.  Having addressed his faulty theology, we were able to finish the session with healing results. My friend started off as a doubting Thomas and ended up as a believer! 

I had long learned that as you begin a session, you invite the Spirit of God to be your guide. I long ago noted that when Jesus was asked to do a healing, he often asked the person, "Do you want to be healed?" Why did he do this?  I believe it was because when a person is healed they have to take responsibility for the consequences of the healing. They have to change their lives around. There will be no more excuses for their behavior. If they were a beggar, they now had to become a contributing member of the community. Their healing meant that their lives were changed.

When you start a session, you begin with prayer.  It could be a short, simple prayer. A good place to start is by reading and meditating on a short passage of Scripture like Psalm 46. You might have your own passage that brings you comfort. The point is that you want to open your spirit to the Spirit of God. Furthermore, when you seek to do a session, it is important to have a person who either has practiced the art of inner healing or the helper is a mature Christian who has demonstrated that they have the gift of discernment. You also have to remember that sometimes our memories are emotional time bombs that can detonate when we pry them open. You don't want to be left there to pick up the pieces, saying "What do I do now?"

What I suggest is to search a reading list on the subject to become familiar with the spiritual discipline of Inner Healing. There are a number of books and Christian authors out there who have prayerfully written on the subject.

Remember, once you choose to do an inner healing, you have crossed into a spiritual world, and that world contains land mines if you are not careful. For this reason, the spiritual world can be confusing in the hands of a novice even though they may be well-intentioned. So, if you still decided to seek a practitioner, you can easily google, "Healing of Memories", and that search will provide further guidance.      

In my next session, I will deal with the second step to healing using your DVR.

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